About the Journal
Aims and Scope
The Markets & Society journal has the following broadly conceived objectives: (1) to promote the development of interdisciplinary research of consequence grounded in mainline political economy and (2) to promote the analysis of historical and contemporary issues in the social sciences through a variety of disciplines, methods, and strategies.
The journal will publish approximately two issues per year. One featuring research presented at the Markets & Society conference, and the other a special issue on a particular topic at the intersection of markets and society. The publishing model is open access with single-blind peer review.
Editor-in-Chief: Virgil Henry Storr
Editor: Stefanie Haeffele
Managing Editor: Solomon Stein
Board of Associate Editors
Paul Dragos Aligica
Peter J. Boettke
Rosolino A. Candela
Ginny Seung Choi
Kristen Collins
Christopher J. Coyne
Erwin Dekker
Nathan Goodman
Roberta Q. Herzberg
Arielle John
Jayme S. Lemke
Jordan K. Lofthouse
Mikayla Novak
Advisory Board
Don Boudreaux, George Mason University
Bruce Caldwell, Duke University
Emily Chamlee-Wright, Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University
Rosemarie Fike, Texas Christian University
Mark Granovetter, Stanford University
Abigail Hall, Tampa University
Catherine Herfeld, University of Zurich
Brian Kogelmann, Purdue University
Chandran Kukathas, Singapore Management University
Bryan Leonard, Arizona State University
Paul Lewis, King’s College London
Alain Marciano, University of Turin
Deirdre McCloskey, Cato Institute
John Meadowcroft, King’s College London
Adam Oliver, London School of Economics
Liya Palagashvili, Mercatus Center at George Mason University
Mark Pennington, King’s College London
Shruti Rajagopalan, Mercatus Center at George Mason University
Mario Rizzo, New York University
David Schmidtz, West Virginia University
Chad Van Schoelandt, Tulane University
Richard Wagner, George Mason University
Lawrence H. White, George Mason University
James Witte, George Mason University
Brianne Wolf, Michigan State University