2025 Markets & Society Conference

October 17-20, 2025

Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park
3111 Fairview Park Drive
Falls Church, Virginia 22042

The Markets & Society annual conference aims to bring together scholars, students, and practitioners from various disciplines, ideological perspectives, and backgrounds who seek to advance inquiry, contestation, and research of consequence that are grounded in mainline political economy. This tradition posits that through emergent orders, formal and informal institutions, and the ability to learn from errors, humans can and often do find ways to live better together. Research in this tradition examines governance, resilience, and cooperation as well as the burdens, biases, and injustices that result from human interaction and institutions. Multiple disciplines, methods, and strategies are needed to examine the complexities of social life, ranging from analyzing the economic, political, and social consequences of institutions; understanding and reexamining history; assessing policies that attempt to stymie or encourage particular outcomes; and examining issues of morality and justice.

The conference will include keynote and panel discussions, presentations on contemporary research, and networking opportunities. It begins with an opening reception and dinner on Friday and concludes after lunch on Monday. The conference is open to students, scholars, analysts, and policymakers.

Keynote Speakers

  • Emily Chamlee-Wright (Economics, Institute for Humane Studies)

  • Mark Granovetter (Sociology, Stanford University)

  • Bobbi Herzberg (Economics & Political Science, Mercatus Center at George Mason University)

  • Emily Oster (Economics, Brown University and ParentData)

  • Debra Satz (Philosophy, Stanford University)

Call for Papers and Session Proposals

The 2025 Markets & Society conference call for submissions is now open.

We invite scholars from academia and policy, students, and professionals to submit paper abstracts or session proposals (consisting of 3-4 papers) by March 31, 2025. The conference seeks to foster meaningful dialogue and collaboration across disciplines, ideological perspectives, and backgrounds, focusing on advancing inquiry, contestation, and impactful research rooted in mainline political economy. 

Presenters are eligible to receive a $500 honoraria. The event is open to students, scholars, analysts, policymakers, and other professionals. There is no registration fee. Participants are, however, responsible for their travel and lodging expenses.


If you have any questions relating to the conference, email us at marketsandsociety@mercatus.gmu.edu.